Hedonism is in the east - a new campaign of the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board

After the phenomenal campaign and the #HeadOnEast concept as part of the Croatian Tourism Day in Slavonia, the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board continues to do the same ...

Author  Goran Rihelj

18. May 2020.
After the phenomenal campaign and the #HeadOnEast concept as part of the Croatian Tourism Day in Slavonia, the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board continues in the same tone with a new campaign called Hedonism is in the East! using the well-known hashtags #HeadOnEastCroatia #VisitSlavonijaBaranja. The goal of the campaign, in cooperation with local tourism workers, is to invite everyone to tour the east of Croatia and add ...
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Author  Goran Rihelj

18. May 2020.